Chicago's Racial Divide
To be honest, I think there will always be a racial divide all across the world...why? Because we live in an imperfect world. Until we can convince people that the only true difference between everyone is the color of our skin or the things we value and believe, but that we are all human beings, there will always be some discrimination happening even if its subtle or barely noticed. The past discrimination that African Americans faced was actual actions taking against them and rules they had to abide by. The Jim Crow laws, housing discrimination, redlining, etc. things to that nature. Whereas today it is more stereotypes and racial discrimination that are happening behind the scenes through different groups in schools or trying to get a job.
If there was an answer to this last part of the prompt I would hope we would have already been trying to do it! This is difficult. I don't know if there is an answer that could get rid of racial discrimination. I think there are things that our world could be doing differently to better educate our young people. Racism and social class differences and problems are so often looked over and not talked about and we see this even in our politics or just sitting in a class where discussions like this come up. The subject is quickly changed. Why is that? That I believe is the number one problem! We need to admit and recognize there is a problem..that is the first step to solving any problem. This starts with our younger generation. This would lessen our stereotypes on what schools are the best or the worst or what neighborhoods people should stay away from. This should not only being taken place in the urban education but also in the suburbs. It is so often put in peoples minds who live in the outside perspective and is therefore easy for them to build stereotypes and for them to completely avoid situations.
I believe things like visiting the African American Museum can help start educate young people and it was really sweet to experience it for myself.
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